Lie Detector can analyze a person's voice and determine whether or not they are lying. Lie Detector uses a sophisticated and accurate algorithm that looks at pitch, frequency, and peaks in the voice and compares it to calibration questions.
Lie Detector even gives you a frequency comparison of the person's truthful answers to the questionable one so you can decide how truthful they are being.
-Find out if someone is lying about whatever "yes or no" question you decide to enter based on their voice.
When a person speaks they produce inaudible fluctuations called microtremors. When a person becomes stressed, physical changes such as increased blood flow cause the audio range of the microtremors to change. Lie Detector analyzes this change to determine how stressed, and therefore how truthful, a person is being.
**iPod Touch REQUIRES an external microphone**
Note:Lie Detector analyzes stress in the voice, just because someone has stress in their voice does not necessarily mean that they are lying, only that probability that they are lying is higher. Also if someone is nervous and taking the test, there is a higher chance it will output their answer as a lie. So make sure whoever takes the test is relatively calm.
What's new in Version 2.0
Fixed a bug in iOS 4 where the keyboard didn't show up.
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later